Pick your favorite kimono from a variety selection of color and designs. Free consultation availalbe. Please contact us at contact@Kimonoart.org
学生時代の締めくくり、新たな出発にふさわしい装いを個性的に表現してみましょう。KIMONO ARTでは袴、小振袖は知的・清楚・可憐・かわいくをテーマにした、色・柄を多数取り揃えております。
For rental Sotugyo Hakama style from $380 +Tax
(Kimono & Hakama rental & Hakama dressing included)
Hakama $100 (Seattle)
Hairstyling $60 (Seattle)
*Local sales tax will be added to your investment
Reservation is now available for pre-event photography sessions ご質問はお気軽に、お問い合わせください。